Silver Sinus - Sinus Infection Treatment
Silver Sinus - 2oz Bottle

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All testimonials on this site are actual comments and emails that we have received from satisfied customers. We did not solicit them in any way.

If you'd like to share your testimonial using Silver Sinus, please send it to:

"I received my SilverSinus today. Oh my gosh, it has helped already. Thank you so much and I will tell everybody I know about this stuff. It is great!"

Lynette B., South Dakota Coast

"For the first time since I can remember, I did not have to go to the doctors for antibiotics for a sinus infection. I use your product from November until early May whenever I felt a cold coming on, and have not had an infection since.

I typically don’t believe in this type of stuff, but I was so desperate and tired of going to the doctors twice a year for antibiotics, I made a leap of desperate faith. Just wanted to say thanks, and that your product really works."

Scot S., Pennsylvania

"I just wanted to give my testimony about your amazing product. All I can say is Wow- Silversinus is the best thing yet! Like many others, I was skeptical in purchasing another sinus product. However, after reading the Mayo Clinic documentation I was convinced that maybe I should give this product a try since all else has failed in the past. Even my physician said that there was nothing that could be done to cure my illness, I would just have to live with it.

Needless to say, I have suffered with this illness for 12 long years. It made my social life miserable to the point that I refused and made excuses to attend gatherings. My illness also placed me into a depression zone, so when I read your ad I was at my lowest point with this issue and I stated: What do I have to lose at this point, so I ordered the product on Wednesday and received it on Friday. As soon as the package arrived I immediately read the instructions and took my first dosage.

I kid you not, within thirty minutes my head cleared and I felt completely different. I could not believe what I was feeling, the post nasal drip, the sinus headache, and my runny nose ceased all at once . I was so amazed by this quick action that I called my girlfriend and shared the product and my experience with her. She ordered and received the Silversinus, now we are sharing the results of this wonderful product to our family and friends and they too are experiencing the same effects of this amazing product.

Today is Wednesday, five days later, and I am still feeling great. No more sinus symptoms, I feel like a new person and I am now that happy person I use to be. Look out world here I come!

I cannot thank you enough for creating a product that has put an end to my sinus infection. Keep up the extraordinary work!"

Matilda H., Washington DC

"Your product is amazing. I had a terrible cold recently that lasted nearly 2 weeks, as a result, I developed a sinus infection. I do not have them often but when I do they are usually quite nasty. I felt very unwell, too. Not wanting to go to a doctor because I hate taking antibiotics and I already have health issues, I browsed the internet and found your product. I had heard CS is a wonderful substance and I plan on taking it orally too, but nonetheless the spray really works!! It cleared that infection up in only 2 days! Thanks a million for such a great product...I know what to do now when I get sinus infections!"

Evelynne P., New Jersey

"I first found this product by accident, I have suffered with Sinus for many years and have tried various products, however Silver Sinus has been the most effective.

I found that by using Silver Sinus on a regular basis I am able to keep my sinus problem under control, its an excellent product and the price is comparable with other products on the market.

Their website is easy to use, once ordered you receive a confirmation for your order as well as being able to track the delivery progress. I live in Australia and I usually receive my order within 7 - 10 days."

Toni B., Australia

"Hi Silversinus,

I express my gratitude to your products. My chronic sinus is cleared and no more greenish phlegm. Nothing can express my happiness. Thanks so much for helping me to clear a lifetime sickness."

Regards, Richard H., Singapore

"The product arrived quickly and in good condition and best of all it works!!! My problem improved after using it for two to three days."

Lynda G., Australia

"Wish I could have purchased 50 yrs. ago I'd have saved myself tons of suffering. Still have the drip, that I can handle, but thank God the infection is gone."

Muril H., Florida

"I had my order within three days as promised on the website. The colloidal silver solution really works! Nothing else even from a pharmacy has reduced my suffering so fast."

Eric M., New York

"Hi. I just purchased and received my bottle in the mail today. At lunch time 12:30 took my first application of your product, at 12:45 already felt relief. I had and have had a sinus problem for years, for the longest time it has gone unrecognizable because it was not causing me too much grief, but recently I started to get red patches on either side of my nose under my eyes and a red patch between my eyes on my forehead, accompanied by some swelling and pressure. First I went to the dentist thinking it was dental related due to my sore upper rear teeth. My dentist says nope teeth are fine, but let’s get you on some antibiotics to clear up your obvious infection "he could see the redness on my face" 10 days later felt a little better, but came back even worse, that's when I searched the internet and found you. Problem solved.

Thank you, I will recommend to everyone I know that has a sinus issue, I had been skeptical at first, but am totally ecstatic knowing I will never have to walk around in public again looking like a tomato again, and my sinuses are fine, I am normal again."

Ron O., Wisconsin

"This was the quickest I have ever ordered and received a product ever. I was in much need of it and welcomed the haste of receiving it. I also found the much needed relief from this product and would recommend it highly to those who suffer from sinus trouble."

Michele H., Illinois

"Dear Customer Service,

I suffered for over seventeen years and it would probably be hard for you to understand all I have been through with sinus problems. I have had sinus infections two, three, or four times a year for the last ten years usually brought on by allergies from tree and grass pollen. The tough part to explain is I did not understand how much pain I was in with chronic swollen sinuses and almost total breathing blockage through my nose. I had major pressure between my eyes, under the bridge of my nose and face and had this for such a long time I was just plain use to it. I was searching for a little relief when I happen to come across Silver Sinus product on the Internet. After using the product for just a few days the change in my sinuses were like magic. I'll list a few benefits for you:

-Complete clearing of sinuses, First time since 1987
-Breathing through my nose, Chewing and sleeping easy or better
-Facial pains, Gone
-Always had minor headaches behind eyes, Gone
-Chronic sinus infections, first time ever cleared-up, Gone
-Interminable congestion twenty years plus, Gone
-Tenderness sinus areas, Gone
-Nasal drainage, Gone
-Postnasal drip always had it at nighttime, Gone
-Sore upper throat, Gone

Most of the items I have listed above have been going on for many years on top of bacterial infections, allergies, colds etc. I have been treated by other Doctors and two allergy clinics before joining Kaiser and have never been suggested to get a fungus mucus test. I believe if Doctors understand that about 37,000,000 people in the US alone had this disease, they might think about making it a standard screening for chronic sinus infections. I hope the problem does not return. Thank you

You should be very proud of your product."


Luke M., California

"This is a great product to use in the control of chronic sinus infections. I have been very pleased with the product, merchant and the service they provide. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who suffers with chronic sinus conditions especially the ones that lead to asthma and or COPD."

Susan F., Michigan

"I bought the Silver Sinus for my 15 month old daughter who's had about 4 sinus infections. The last one she had she was given an antibiotic again and a week after being off of it, the infection came back. I've been giving her the Silver Sinus for about a week now and her sinus infection has cleared up! I will definitely recommend this product! No more antibiotics! Someone at work suggested she might need her adenoids out---I don't think so! Thanks Silver Sinus!"

Luz C., Nebraska

"I am very pleased at how quickly silver sinus has restored normal breathing. I have been using this product for one week and it has made a remarkable improvement."

Many thanks

Gene C., Tennessee

"This is an awesome product as well as an awesome information site. I am now cured of asthma like wheezing that allergists were unable to cure. Thanks!!!"

John C., California

"My son found this site, cured his sinus infection after several failed antibiotic prescriptions. I referred it to a friend and purchased some directly for them and myself. They always run great specials and I received the product 3 days from ordering. Not only does this product work, the company and their service excel in a world of too many who don't. THANK YOU!"

Lynette C., Nevada

"Great Product. Cleared my sinus infection in one day. The only issue I had was that the product took three days to arrive. They did not offer express shipping."

Thomas K., New York

"I ordered on Saturday afternoon and had it Monday afternoon! I was dying and desperate and it worked immediately. I'll continue to use this product. I am someone with chronic sinus infections, for seven years, now I get them about 5-7 times a season, and it takes an antibiotic to get any relief, but not this time. Thank you."

Catherine S., Utah

"WOW!!! After suffering for 5 days of pounding pressure and watering eyes, Silver Sinus started to relieve the pain within 20 seconds. I wish I had found this product several years ago! I still have to finish the one week, 3 times a day dosage, but I was astonished of how fast the product works."

Mary E., Florida

"This was my first purchase of Silver Sinus but it won’t be my last. I have found Silver Sinus to be extremely effective and would recommend it to anyone seeking relief from sinus pain. Their shopping site was easy to use and delivery service was brilliant, considering I live in Australia. An overall great product."

Toni B., Australia

"Hello..I ordered this product the afternoon on 08/02/06 and received product 08/05/06 in my noon mail. Used spray at 1:00pm. It is now 1:28pm same day and I am writing this to tell you it really works!!. Really!!! Thank you for this wonderful fast & safe product!! "

Ke'hley on The West Coast

"This stuff REALLY works, I was looking at going into emergency with my sinus infection. Waited until my SILVER SINUS arrived. Two days after taking it I had relief!!!"

Jan C., Michigan Coast

"It works it really works. I have had sinus problems for 50yrs but this product is so easy and really works thank you."

Michael A., California Coast

"I am so glad that I tried your product. In the past I have struggled with sinus infections and going to the doctors and still weeks later still lingering on. I started using your product this past Friday and today I am just about over it. Thanks again."

Sara R., Michigan Coast

"I'm very satisfied. This product really works. I felt relief right away. Its natural, no chemicals. I'm impressed. Thank you."

Barbara H., California Coast

"I was very impressed with the speed of delivery and also the product. It has helped my sinuses very much."


Mary E., South Dakota Coast

"It was everything what they said it would be. I was suffering with sinus infection and a half hour after taking the product I started to feel relief. I feel good about taking something natural. I ordered it on a Sunday & it was at my door 4 days later. I would & have recommended it to my friends."

Thank You

Tom S., Florida Coast

"This is a great product and a very good information site. I have been using this product for approximately one year now, with absolutely no sinus infections. The use of antibiotics never worked, it would clear it up for a short period of time and then within one or two weeks it would return. After seeing a ear, nose and throat specialist and his solution was sinus surgery, which usually does not work and is a very painful procedure, I knew that there had to be something out there that would cure or relieve sinus infections. Silver Sinus was the answer to my problem, THANK YOU, it works. If I feel like I'm starting to get a sinus infection, I just use the product until the symptoms are gone.

Also, I have found that if you use a sinus flush daily, which are available at most pharmacies, along with the silver sinus product it really helps in clearing up the sinus infection much faster and also I have not had a cold since using this product.

Thanks again, Great product."

Greg W., Washington

"I can’t believe this product actually worked. I have had a sinus infection on and off since 1996. The past two years it kept getting more frequent and lasting longer. I gave up on antibiotics because they no longer worked or worked no better than waiting it out. I had a CT scan, went to a surgeon and was about to make an appointment for sinus surgery. I thought I would wait a few more months and try different things. I got allergy shots once a week for 9 months and there was slight improvement. But then I got another sinus infection after a cold (which happened every time). The pain was so bad I was living on ibuprofen. I knew about colloidal silver for many years but had never tried it. The first few weeks after I started using it I felt miserable and my allergies felt worse. But I kept using it. After a month, the infection was gone. The pain and swelling in my face is actually gone after all these years. Now if I feel like I am getting a cold and I feel the pressure start to build up, I just use Silver Sinus for a few days and the infection never gets started and the pressure goes away. Another huge benefit is how badly the sinus infections affected my asthma. Now that the sinus infection is gone, I have not used a rescue inhaler in months. I used to use it at least once every day. It is a shame doctors don’t recommend this to patients who have tried everything. It is worth trying. What’s the worst that can happen? It is better than trying sinus surgery which has mixed results for many people and is dangerous."

Patti P., New Jersey

"I've waited 2 months before I contacted you because I wanted to see if Silver Sinus could do what no operation, antibiotics and even weekly ENT visits could do. AND IT DID.

I have been through pure hell since I moved to Southern Arizona. Allergy shots, antibiotic pills, antibiotic shots,6 weeks of an IV drip and push antibiotics. Even an operation June 07. This has been going on since 2003. I kept believing my ENT that it would get better "we'll just try this" and than "well lets try this" and "well I don't understand, it's worked on my other patients" and nothing worked for me.

So when the 2nd operation was scheduled that would go even further up into my sinus (near the brain) I said "wait a minute" is this really going to work?

I had seen your web site before but still believed my doctor. After cancelling the 2nd operation in late Dec, I ordered my first 2 bottles of Silver Sinus. And since than I have cleared out my sinus' with stuff that only appears in horror movies. It's so amazing what your product has done for me. 5 years of fighting the infections, the swollen eyes and cheeks. It's a miracle. I still have the swelling sometimes but when I see that I do a couple of hits with the Silver Sinus on a regular basis and soon enough out comes - well you know.

Thank you - and print this if you want."

Sandy D., Arizona

"I have suffered with sinus problems for my doctor's office my file is 2inches thick and it is ALL sinus/allergy related.

The past year I have tried NOT to take antibiotics, knowing the dangers. I am a teacher and exposed to illnesses in Minnesota we are all stuck inside where viruses breed. I have been fighting a sinus infection since January and have been ill since. I finally gave in and went to Dr.2 weeks ago(March) and was put on a very strong antibiotic. I was told if this didn't work, I probably had a fungal infection which would require surgery. Well, that did it!! I started researching and found your sinus spray. I had taken the antibiotics for a week and was worse.

So, since I was desparate, decided to order the silver sinus. It was at my house in 2 days. I had quit the antibiotic one day and started the silver sinus the next. I have NEVER experienced such a miracle...It is the 3rd day and for the first time since Jan. I have NO throbbing!! I finally feel like my old self. ...that "constant tired" feeling is gone and my head is clearing more everyday. I am amazed and so thankful. It will be a new life for me....and I no longer have to worry about how those antibiotics will affect my body. I am telling all my friends that are also experiencing this sinus plague(and they are numerous as this virus has been relentless!) I can't tell you how happy I am to have found this miracle cure...what a blessing!!!!!"

Pam H., Minnesota


Copyright 2004-2010 All rights reserved. The information provided herein is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. This product has not been tested or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. Silver Sinus makes no claims or promises as to health benefits of its dietary/health supplement. All research information is provided as a courtesy to our customers. Consequences of dietary, topical or other use of this product is the sole responsibility of the customer. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

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