Silver Sinus - Sinus Infection Treatment
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Do You Have Any Of These Sinus Symptoms?

  • Nasal Congestion
  • Postnasal Drip
  • Pain & Pressure Around The Eyes
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Bad Breath
  • Nasal Discharge
  • Sore Throat

Stop Sinus Symptoms Fast Without Drugs!

Natural Sinus Products

Three Natural, Proven, Powerful Sinus Products

Symptoms of Acute Sinusitis

Ethmoid sinusitis (between the eye sockets)
  • Nasal congestion with discharge
  • Postnasal drip (mucus drains down the throat from the nose)
  • Pain or pressure around the eyes and down the sides of the nose
  • Headaches around the eyes or the temples
  • Fever
Maxillary sinusitis (in the cheekbones)
  • Pain or tender cheekbone, under or around the eye, or around the upper teeth on one or both sides of the face
  • Nasal congestion with discharge
  • Postnasal drip (mucus drains down the throat from the nose)
  • Fever
Frontal sinusitis (in the forehead and above the eyebrows)
  • Severe headaches in the forehead
  • Fever
  • Postnasal drip (mucus drains down the throat from the nose)
Sphenoid sinusitis (Deep in the head at the back of nose)
  • Deep headache with pain behind and on top of the head, across the forehead, and behind the eye
  • Fever
  • Double vision or vision disturbances if pressure extends into the brain
  • Nasal congestion with discharge
  • Postnasal drip (mucus drains down the throat from the nose)

Symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis

Ethmoid sinusitis (between the eye sockets)
  • Chronic nasal discharge, congestion or obstruction
  • Pain or discomfort on the bridge of the nose
  • Chronic sore throat
  • Chronic bad breath
Maxillary sinusitis (in the cheekbones)
  • Pressure below the eye
  • Chronic toothache
  • Increased discomfort throughout the day
  • Increased cough at night
Frontal sinusitis (in the forehead and above the eyebrows)
  • Continual headache in the forehead
Sphenoid sinusitis (Deep in the head at the back of nose)
  • Low Grade Headache
If you have any of these sinus symptoms, you may have sinusitis or a sinus infection. You should consult your doctor or health care practitioner to get a proper diagnosis of your actual condition.

Your doctor will be able to give you an examination where he or she can listen to your symptoms and perform a physical examination on you.

In some cases it may be necessary to perform an MRI or a CAT Scan or possibly take some X-rays to determine what is happening inside your sinus cavities.

You may also wish to try Silver Sinus™ Nasal Spray to relieve your symptoms quickly and naturally.

Copyright 2004-2010 All rights reserved. The information provided herein is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Always consult with a licensed doctor regarding your health conditions and symptoms. This product has not been tested or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. Silver Sinus makes no claims or promises as to health benefits of its dietary supplement. All research information is provided as a courtesy to our customers. Consequences of dietary, topical or other use of this product is the sole responsibility of the customer. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

Copyright © 2004-2011 All Rights Reserved.


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