Silver Sinus - Sinus Infection Treatment
Silver Sinus - 2oz Bottle

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Click to enlargeInstructions: How To Use It

Silver Sinus is a mist injection colloidal silver solution. A natural sinus infection treatment that makes sense!

This is an easy and non-messy way to remedy your sinus infection. The mist travels deep into the sinus cavity to attack the infection where it lives.

Silver Sinus comes with a fine mist sprayer designed to deliver the solution through the nostrils up into the sinus cavities.

When Silver Sinus comes into contact with the infection, its antimicrobial properties start to work.

To use the product, you simply remove the protective cap and pump the nasal sprayer 3 to 5 times to prime it. (Only the 1st time you use it)

Next, holding the bottle in an upright position, insert the tip of the nozzle just inside the nostril and pump two or three times while sniffing deeply.

Do this 3 or more times a day while you are feeling the effects of a sinus infection. Use up to every 15 minutes as needed.

Continue to use for an additional 7 to 10 days to prevent recurrence.

Silver Sinus is colorless and odorless as it should be. It will literally feel like a fine mist of water in your sinuses and that is all.

Be sure to sniff deeply as you want the solution to come into contact with the infected area.

Please remember, this is our recommended usage. The FDA has ruled that colloidal silver is a dietary supplement and cannot treat, cure, remedy, or prevent any disease or medical condition and we make no claims otherwise.


Copyright 2004-2009 All rights reserved. The information provided herein is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. This product has not been tested or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. Silver Sinus makes no claims or promises as to health benefits of its dietary/health supplement. All research information is provided as a courtesy to our customers. Consequences of dietary, topical or other use of this product is the sole responsibility of the customer. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

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